Wednesday, August 21, 2013

So here it is, my first blog in China!!!!

I was too tired to post one yesterday. Today I am just posting a few photos. Click on them to see a larger version.

Here's the night time view from my hotel window. The air quality here is bad! You can see smog everywhere.

Yesterday for lunch I went out with the other people on the course. Lisl, a South African girl who is joining her boyfriend over here, Tom, an English guy doing 6 months before more travelling and Patrick, a Canadian.

Here is some of the food we had...

I promise I'll get better at blogging, I'm still obviously jet lagged!
I stay in Xi'an for a week and then head to the smaller city of Weinan. I'm hoping that my apartment will have better A/C than my hotel room... I can't move without breaking into a sweat in here.  bleurgh!

So far I'm having a lot of fun, have met some lovely people and had great interactions with the hotel staff who don't speak English. I seem to get a little homesick first thing in the mornings before I have any outward interactions. I know this will pass with time, especially once I get into a routine in Weinan :)