He found us a lovely place to spend the next couple of months.
We are in a little town called Sagamore hills and it's right next to the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. One of the entrances is a 3 minute drive away and I took the dogs there today for a walk.

It was beautiful, the sky was overcast and raining which made the greens appear super green. We walked for about 40 minutes along a trail that runs by a small river on one side.
There are old locks along the trail, this one was known as 'whiskey lock'
On the way into our town we cross a tall bridge that covers a deep tree covered ravine. The other morning when I was taking Lucy to the eye doctor there was fog gathering at the tops of the trees and it all looked very magical. It was down in that ravine that we walked today.
There is a scenic railway that runs through the park and if you cycle along the trails you can get back to where you started on the train for only $2. I'm looking forward to giving that a go!
I only covered a small portion of the trails immediately available from the location I parked at today. And there are several more parks around the Cleveland area, so I'm going to have a great time exploring :)
You'll have to excuse the quality of the photos I take, I only manage to point and shoot while also walking when I have the dogs :)
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