Monday, the dogs and I headed to Bedford reservation, a 10 minute drive away. It looked like it might be a good place to go paddling and climbing along rocks. I think I'll take Matt there this weekend and I'll take some photos. This time we stopped at the bridal veil falls trail, which starts following a creek...
... which flows down some small 'falls'.
The trail then goes off into the woodland. I didn't get to go too far, as Penny hadn't eaten ANY of her last 3 meals. I didn't want to overdo it with her. After a good suggestion from a friend I gave her a meal while I was also eating and hey presto she ate :)

Today we headed back to Brecksville reservation (my fave so far) and walked along the top of the gorge cut out by the river.
Tonight for dinner I had Mustgoes (food in the fridge that 'must go').

I started with sauteing red onion, yellow and green squash in a little olive oil and chili pepper flakes. I then added some portobello mushrooms.
Finally I added some whole grain pasta and a small amount of cheddar cheese and feta cheese. There's something about Tuna which allows you add half the amount of cheese you think you're going to need. It seems to be able to spread it around more, I wonder if it has anything to do with the protein in tuna....
Anyhoo, the final product which looks like cat vomit...
was actually really really tasty! I'm looking forward to having left overs tomorrow. I made a large bulk of it so that I can freeze some for Matt's lunches next week.
As I can't kiss myself I kissed the dogs instead.
Don't forget to kiss YOUR cook!
That does fit your description doesn't it?