..... so yeah, my whole "I'm going to cook all meals but one this weekend" thing didn't exactly work.
It all began last night.... We have packed up our king size bed and set up a queen size one in our room as it makes the room look more spacious for potential buyers. Now, on the king size bed I had rights to TWO THIRDS of it and Matt had to keep to his third.
This queen size bed is just not big enough for the both of us and so when matt is home over the weekends I find it really REALLY hard to fall asleep. I got about 5 hours last night and so this morning when I was due to go grocery shopping for my menu I was wayyy too tired and went back to bed BY MYSELF to have a nap.
Therefore, for lunch we ended up going downtown to
Jazz, a cajun restaurant that Matt loves. I had 2 pounds of crawfish, which is great for my PCOS diet, but I couldn't resist a side of cheesy grits, and boy were they cheesy! Mmmm.....

The crawfish were hot, spicy and cooked to perfection. I love crawfish, but it doesn't seem like you really have a good meal with them unless you order about 4 pounds worth of it, as there is only about 12oz of actual meat in that weight.
Matt opted for the blackened shrimp with seasoned veggies and dirty rice.

After coming back from downtown we took Penny to the dog park. She is used to going into the 'all dog' area as we used to take her and Bentley there. But the last couple of times she hasn't ventured more than a couple feet away from us and snapped at any dog that came close.
So tonight we took her into the 'small dog' area (less than 35 pounds) and she was off straight away and didn't snap once! She did get a little rambunctious with a boston terrier and starting the playful snapping, but we took her home as she might have been getting too excited.
We didn't get back from the dog park till nearly 7pm, which was then too late for me to go grocery shopping for dinner.
So instead we went to my favorite place to eat at the moment, Gold Mountain Chinese Restaurant.
I ordered the pHo Ta'i which is a red beef noodle soup from Vietnam.

Ooooh it was so yummy! Next time I'm going to order the chinese herbal duck noodle soup. I'm already looking forward to it.
I must remember next time to wear some summer clothes. The restaurant is very small and always very busy, so it gets rather hot in there.
Then put a bowl of steaming pho in front of me and allow me to wash it down with Jasmine tea and I will perform "Menopause Monologues" for you free of charge, but please bring extra napkins for my comfort!
Matt, who is on a meat free diet, ordered a variety of dim sum and I got to sample them all.
He had:

Salt and Pepper Shrimp, with head. It took me a second to figure out what kind of head they were talking about on the menu. I must have been hungry.

Chinese cabbage with black bean sauce. But let's face it, it's basically the stalks of broccoli after all the good stuff has been cut off ;)

On the left is curry squid, again it was so succulent and not at all rubbery. On the right are steamed shrimp dumplings, of which the seasoning was a lovely blend of fragrant yet subtle.

Vietnamese shrimp spring rolls.

Pan fried turnip cakes. Not too keen on these, they were very fatty and didn't really have much flavor to them. We both took a bite and left the rest uneaten.
But onto the most interesting part of the dim sum tonight: "Steamed Egg custard bun"
Matt was the first to try a bite of these odd looking buns and was surprised to find that they were sweet. At first we thought that it was steamed egg in a sweet dough ball. But then Matt, the clever one of us, determined that it was in fact custard inside a dough ball that only LOOKS like an egg!!! Genius!!!!
Seriously, we were on the last one when he declared this! They were super scrumptious, whatever they are, and would be something I'd like to look up
how to make so that I can take them to a party some time.

Until next time, and as always, don't forget to kiss YOUR cook..... unless you're eating at a restaurant.... that could get a little awkard..... and maybe even end up in an arrest..... so just thank them kindly instead...... unless they are attractive... then try and get away with a little kiss ;)